
Selasa, 23 Desember 2014


A.    Background of the Study
English is one of the most fascinating, controversial, and challenging subject of the school curriculum. The fact that English is the language that we speak also makes it a subject that is closely linked with our identities and this is one of the reasons that it often engenders passionate views. Another reasons that is important is that all teachers have to be English teacher because we communicate our knowledge in all subject by listening, speaking, reading, and writing about them.
English is international  language because almost many countries  know and use it. English is a compulsory learning subject where must be taught for the students in the school from the junior school up to university.
In teaching English, there are four skills. They are Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. One of the four skills is writing  has always been as a part of the syllabus in teaching of English. One of the goals of teaching writing is the student can write appropriately and effectively in many kinds of genre, such as descriptive text, procedure text, narrative text, recount text, etc.
For an intermediate learner of a foreign or second language, vocabulary has always been a bottleneck impeding his progress. At this stage, the traditional way of memorizing the meaning and spelling of a new word is far from meeting the need of the learner. With the expansion of the size of vocabulary, many problems arise concerning the proper use of a word in context, among which is collocation. However, English students are more concerned about how to expand their vocabulary, to increase the number of words they can remember. They pay no attention or ignore the depth of their understand of the word. How to understand of the words is a problem facing them.
Semantics is one of an English subject. In semantics, we can learn many English aspect to make student understand about English completely. Collocation is one of the most important aspects in semantics to know a words. To understand of a word, English students must know about collocation. The paper is intended to first define collocation, and then inquire into the importance of collocation and finally provide some suggestions for the learning of collocation
 When students read a narrative text, they use vocabulary as much as they know. Students can understand what they read but do not know what kind or what type of words that have they read. Moreover, students do not understand about collocation that always used in narrative text. They can find it but they do not know which a words or sentences that are collocation.
Therefore the students analysis or understand collocation about text still low, they still miss-understanding about the meaning of words that is collocation.
Based on the problems above, the writer chooses collocation in narrative text in this research because collocation is one of measurements toward the students whether they understand the material which has been taught by the teacher or not. In addition, collocation is one of ways to practice their grammar by write narrative text which has been taught, appropriate words chosen, and to increase their English vocabulary. Based on this explanation, the researcher wants to conduct are search entitled “ AN ANALYSIS OF COLLOCATION PROBLEM IN NARRATIVE TEXT AT SEVENTH SEMESTER ENGLISH EDUCATIONAL STUDY PROGRAM STATE ISLAMIC COLLEGE JURAI SIWO METRO”.
B.     Problem Identification
1.    Most of English students do not know what is collocation.
2.    Most of English students do not know how to use collocation.
3.    Most of English students have difficulties in understand about collocation.
C.    Focus of the Study
Collocation is words combination. Most of students can not understand about what they wrote that is collocation. In this research, the researcher focuses on an analysis of collocation problem in narrative text at seventh semester English educational study program State Islamic College Jurai Siwo Metro.
D.    Problem Formulation
1.      How to know the students understand about collocation in narrative text at seven semester of English educational study program of State Islamic College Jurai Siwo Metro?

E.     Objectives and Benefits of Study
1.             Objectives of the Study
Based on the formulation above, the researcher is aimed to know “the students have using collocation in narrative text and understand it clearly at seven semesters of English educational study program State Islamic College Jurai Siwo Metro”
2.             Benefits of the Study
After doing this research and finding the results, the researcher hopes it will be useful:
a.    Giving the definition about collocation to the students of English Department of State Islamic College.
b.    Motivating the students to understand collocation deeply.
c.    Giving more knowledge about collocation to the writer and readers, generally.
d.   As a consideration for other researcher to conduct further studies.

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